Quality Time With Children: Its Importance and Ways to do so

Quality Family Time Is The Key To healthy Family Relationships

Sameen Shahrukh
3 min readApr 7, 2021
Quality Family Time
Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

Life has been so busy and fast-paced nowadays, that parents have limited time to spend with their kids. Especially the working parents, who always have the guilt of not spending enough time with their children. This quality time is vital and healthier, not only for the kids but also for the parents’ well-being.

A study published in Sage Journals showed, that parents felt happier when they spent time with kids, in comparison to without them.

Quality time with kids reassures them that you are always around to guide, play, teach and help them. It develops a sense of trust and reliance on their parents.

Here are some of the ways, through which you can spend the best of the quality time with your kids, that are engaging, fun-to-do, enjoyable, and that create a unique bond with your children.

1. Make and eat meals together:

Schedule your day as such that the whole family has at least one meal together. This is the best time to connect with your children and discuss everyday routines with them.

Making meals with kids is fun. It helps them learn the basic life skills as well as it develops a sense of responsibility of helping their parents in home chores.

2. Play with your children:

Whenever possible, spend time playing with them, either it is some outdoor sport, or something while sitting on the couch. It has a very positive impact on the children, and they enjoy your company.

3. Read together:

Make a habit of reading a book with children at bedtime, if possible, or anytime during the day. Read and discuss your ideas and opinions about the book. It is a source of healthy and informative conversation between the parents and children.

4. Do some creativity together:

Let them be creative. Learn any new skill together like painting, pottery, planting, or anything of their interest. It will develop companionship with their parents.

5. Connect daily with your children:

Assure them that how much you love them and how important they are to you. Sometimes expressing your feelings is the simplest thing you can do. Hug them, kiss them. They do wonders, I swear.

6. Have some leisure time on weekends:

Take them to the nearby park, play area, or even a long drive with ice cream, during the weekends. They would be cheerful to see that their parents take some time out, for their leisure.

7. Keep yourself disconnected for a while:

Every day when spending quality time with your children, try to avoid all kinds of distractions. Especially, the technology and unwanted calls. Focus on them, have chats, laughter, and a bit of craziness.

Children are your most precious assets. Nothing in the world can take their place. So, give them love, compassion, and most importantly, your time. Because this is something, you would never regret in your life.



Sameen Shahrukh

A pharmacist by profession, a freelance writer by choice, an enthusiast and a learner. Always keen to take new challenges and believe in smart working