13 Easy Effortless Tips for Quick Weight Loss That Are Scientifically Proven

Tips that will make your weight loss journey fun!

Sameen Shahrukh
8 min readMay 19, 2021
tips for quick weight loss
Photo by Birgith Roosipuu on Unsplash

That was the time when I used to feel sluggish, dull, sad, and distracted all the time. I was unhappy. Yeah! that’s true. I didn’t find happiness around because I couldn’t feel it from inside.

That’s when I realized and decided to make lifestyle changes, and that’s how my weight loss journey started. And that was the game changer! Believe me.

I added a daily workout routine, healthy eating habits, a healthy diet, and lots of hydration in my life. I lost 26 pounds in the first 3 months and kept maintaining it throughout. I found notable changes in my life: better mood, high energy levels, good sleep, and more productivity throughout the day.

Higher weight is of no good to you. It only makes your body lazy and prone to several health risks.

So shedding those extra pounds is always a good idea and it’s never too late to do so. There has been seen a significant improvement in general physical health and mood, energy levels, and confidence of people who maintained a weight loss, a study stated.

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Now the question arises is, from where and how to start the weight loss journey? And how much weight loss per week is safe?

Well, it is recommended that 1–2 pounds per week weight loss is safer and healthy. Extreme weight loss methods (which claim “how to lose weight in 2 weeks” are all crap! believe me) are not recommended because they are associated with several side effects to your body. Weight loss must always be gradual, and the method should be such that can be maintained easily in the long run. I highly discourage such extreme weight loss methods such as dieting, taking weight loss pills, or even surgery, because they pose numerous health risks and are not long-lasting as well.

Here I am providing you 13 easy and fast weight loss tips you can follow at home without any hassle, which are scientifically proven.

1. Cut on your carbs especially refined sugars:

Did someone say cakes, donuts, coke, and cookies? Or pasta? Well before indulging yourself in these irresistible treats, better to know that they are made of refined sugars which are one of the main reasons for weight gain in today’s world.

There are 2 types of sugars: natural and refined sugars. The natural sugars are present in vegetables and fruits, and when consumed they are not readily digested and are satiating. On the contrary, refined sugars when consumed are readily digested, which causes a spike in blood sugar levels, resulting in the release of insulin, which produces a feeling of ‘less filled’ and elevates hunger. This results in overconsumption which leads to obesity.

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Consumption of soft drinks after meals is a new-era fashion, contributing to the high obesity rates. A study found out restricting this beverage consumption in adolescence was associated with decreased obesity and weight loss.

So before climbing up the ladder of weight loss, commit yourself to avoid refined sugars especially sugary drinks at all costs. This will immensely help in your weight loss journey.

2. Choose a high fiber diet:

High fiber diets including vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, pulses, whole-grain bread or pasta, and oats, when consumed, don’t elevate the blood sugar levels so soon, and hence are more filling and satisfy hunger. This results in less consumption of food which helps in weight loss.

There was a significant decrease in body weight when young men of normal weight were given a high fiber diet for 11 weeks. In another study, there was a notable weight loss in over-weighed men that were offered a high fiber diet for months.

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

High fiber is not only essential for losing weight but it also prevents several serious illnesses including high cholesterol, hypertension, heart diseases and helps in improving digestion.

So add a bowl of vegetable or fruit salad to your daily diet. It will provide you the nutrients your body needs and keep you full the whole day.

3. Have water before the meal:

Having a glass of water before a meal makes you less hungry and causes a fuller stomach. That reduces energy intake or lesser eating, which ultimately leads to weight loss. Research even proved that having water 30 minutes before meals helped in weight management.

4. Physical activity or cardio:

Doing exercise is always a good option. Isn’t it? Physical activity or exercise makes your body healthy, active and strengthened. Take out some time from your daily routine to do some cardio, dumbbell, and weight loss exercises at home, or even brisk walking.

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Exercise along with dietary restrictions have proven to be effective in weight management especially in the obese population.

It has numerous other health benefits for those having some underlying diseases or are prone to such diseases.

5. Portion control:

A portion control diet has proven to be effective in weight management, as it helped in losing weight in women, diabetic and obese patients. However, sticking to a portion control strategy in a long run may be challenging, as it is not sustainable over time after an early weight loss.

6. Intermittent fasting:

Intermittent fasting has shown promising results in weight management. Research showed that intermittent fasting along with calorie restriction helped in weight loss to the patients. It not only helps in weight management but also protects and reduces the chances of other illnesses like coronary heart diseases and glycemic control in diabetic patients.

7. High protein breakfast:

Breakfast high in proteins especially eggs has shown promising results in the weight loss journey. The reason behind this is that it is highly satiating, reduces appetite throughout the day, and hence the weight loss.

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Also, a high-protein breakfast provides nutritional supplements that give you a healthy start to the day, which makes your day more active and productive.

It is especially effective for those adolescences that are obese and has the habit of skipping breakfast.

8. Healthy snacks at your reach:

Unhealthy snacks are one of the main reasons for weight gain. Between the meals, we get our hands on snacks such as french fries, chips, cookies, or chocolates without realizing the number of calories present in them.

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So, whenever you feel hungry at your work between the mealtimes, or need some munching watching your favorite TV show, always make sure to choose wisely. Nuts especially pistachio, baby carrots, fruits, leafy vegetables, or even hard-boiled eggs are the healthy options. They will satisfy your cravings without compromising on your weight loss strategy.

9. Get sufficient sleep:

Sound, undisrupted, and enough sleep in required every day for a healthy and successful lifestyle. Sleep disturbances specifically deprivation is associated with obesity and other health issues including diabetes, insulin insensitivity, etc. It causes an imbalance in the hormones leptin and ghrelin, which are responsible for regulating satiety and hunger, resulting in health damage.

It has been seen that during sleep deprivation, intake of food is ultimately increased, may be needed for providing extra energy to remain wake up, which results in weight gain. Especially late-night sleeping craves for late-night snacks and hence calorie gain.

Make a strict schedule of getting early to bed and enjoy enough sleep.

10. Water-rich Seasonal foods:

Watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, tomato, cucumber, peaches, and others are highly rich in water content. They provide you a perfect snack that is high in fiber, stays long in the stomach and gives you a feeling of fullness. Also, they keep you hydrated and provide essential minerals and vitamins.

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11. Tracking your weight loss:

Self-monitoring during the weight loss journey is essential. Tracking your weight every other day gives you the motivation to continue your journey. In fact, research suggests that those individuals that track their weight management more, lose more weight than the ones that don’t bother much.

There are tons of applications available that help you tracking your weight, daily calorie intake, daily steps count, and other parameters. They are very useful in weight management, especially for obese people.

12. Eating mindfully:

Mindful eating is focusing on where, how, and what you eat without any distractions. It has been associated with weight management and weight loss along with reduced depression, binge eating, and stress.

We usually take our meals in a rush, because either getting late for the office or a meeting or busy in other stuff like watching TV or mobile phones during eating. Mindful eating is just the opposite of such activities.

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You have to sit properly at the meal table, focus on what you are eating, how does it taste, eat slowly and enjoy it. Mind that there must be no distractions while eating. However, weight loss shouldn’t be there in the first place in your mind. It will eventually happen with mindful eating.

13. Have your daily dose of caffeine:

Caffeine in the form of coffee helps in reducing weight by fat oxidation and energy expenditure. In research, daily coffee intake of 2–4 cups after meals significantly suppressed the appetite in obese patients.

However, patients that have a history of blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases must avoid excessive coffee intake because caffeine is reported to increase blood pressure in such individuals.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Green tea on the other has not proven to be that effective in weight management, because the fraction of weight loss it causes is clinically insignificant.

Final words:

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight is very basic. It must be everyone’s priority in life. Your weight also affects your mental health. So, when you are healthy, fit, everything around seems perfect and a blessing, but when you are not healthy physically or mentally, you just simply can’t enjoy life to its fullest.

Here, I have provided you more than a dozen easy and quick weight loss tips that are magical, and they are so convenient that you can do everything at home. You don’t need to go out to any institute or gym.

Maybe you can follow all of them or either some of them, at your convenience.

Whoever tries these tips do let me know the results, and also mention which tips you have followed.

Have a great weight loss journey peeps!!



Sameen Shahrukh

A pharmacist by profession, a freelance writer by choice, an enthusiast and a learner. Always keen to take new challenges and believe in smart working